CMSA Launches Fields for Our Future Campaign to Tackle the Crisis of Indoor Field Space

CMSA is excited to announce the launch of its Fields for Our Future campaign.
The incredible growth that our soccer community has experienced in recent years has been nothing short of incredible – the growing popularity of our city’s sport has only been made possible because of families like yours. But it’s because of this growth that we find ourselves in the challenging position we’re in today. We all know it; our kids experience it every time they lace up – we’ve run out of space.
If something is not done today, we risk having to turn families – our kids – away from the sport they love. Please join the campaign today at Fields for Our Future and help us make sure we never have to turn anyone away.
Our goal is to mobilize our community’s overwhelming support for soccer and push for the solution that we’ve long needed – dedicated infrastructure funding to support a facilities plan that would see new fieldhouses built across our city.
The need is urgent. If we’re to catch-up and meet the existing needs of the over 30,000 players we have today and plan for the next 30,000, we can no longer settle for the status quo. We’re asking our elected officials to partner with us – for the sake of our community, our city, and the entire region. Calgary has a bright future ahead of it, all we need to do is seize the opportunity.
But we need your help! We’re asking you to visit the Fields for Our Future campaign website and sign up! After signing up, please be sure to check your junk folder and mark emails from Fields for our Future as safe to ensure you receive campaign updates and next steps.
We’re also asking that you share the campaign with your networks and engage with us on our social media channels! This campaign will only be a success if we’re able to channel the passion and energy that our community has for soccer to tell government that our kids can no longer wait.
We need new year-round soccer facilities today!