About the CMSA Grassroots League

The CMSA Grassroots League, modeled after Canada Soccer’s Skill Centre Program, strives to provide children with an age and stage appropriate playing environment that allows expression, creativity, and development to flourish. Game day matches provide players with more time on the field, more time on the ball and flexible match ups through an open roster system to provide meaningful competition each and every game. The videos below provide an overview of the key concepts of the CMSA Grassroots League
Video 1: The CMSA Grassroots League, Coach Guide
Video 2: All About the Grassroots League
Video 3: Fun + Friendship
Video 4: Flexible Match Days
Why the change?
The Skill Centre concept aims to provide the best environment possible to as many young players as possible for as long as possible.
The traditional model of grouping players based on ability only serves to identify players who are advanced in relation to their peers at the specific moment in time, rather than identify players who have potential to develop over time. This approach has shown to isolate groups of children pushing kids away from the game. Read more in Canada Soccer’s Skill Centre Manual.
CMSA is committed to providing accessible, enjoyable, inclusive, and child-centered programming so children can participate in soccer safely and develop to their own potential. The CMSA Grassroots League allows for players to be grouped according to criteria other than current ability and removes fixed rosters.
What it looks like
Match Day
- Consistent match days and times
- Centralized Festival locations in quadrants to limit travel time for families
- Open rosters
- Player groupings: mixed-ability, prioritizing social relationships
Benefits to Grassroots Soccer
- Greater sense of community and culture around the game in Calgary
- Players have a developmentally appropriate match environment and experience
- Allows for club technical leaders and coaches to be involved in all player’s development
- Collaboration amongst all soccer clubs in Calgary
More information
The CMSA Grassroots League Guidebook provides an in-depth overview of the program, Match Day logistics and answers to frequently asked questions. Clubs, coaches, volunteers and parents can direct any additional questions to CMSA Technical Manager, Jordan Stewart: jstewart@calgaryminorsoccer.com