Parks Foundation Calgary: supporting the CMSA Grassroots League this season, and for seasons to come!

CMSA’s Grassroots League would not be possible without the support from our partners and sponsors.

Parks Foundation Calgary: supporting the CMSA Grassroots League this season, and for seasons to come!


About CMSA’s Grassroots League

The CMSA Grassroots League serves as an introductory program to soccer for youth ages 6 – 9 and has been designed to remove barriers to participation by keeping soccer affordable and accessible. Modeled after Canada Soccer's 'Skill Centre Program', the League strives to provide children with an age and stage appropriate playing environment that allows expression, creativity, and development to flourish.


CMSA is committed to offering accessible soccer to all Calgary families and operates around a culture of “Live Local, Play Local” with the Grassroots Soccer League. By ensuring access, minimal drive-time, access to public transit, consistency in match-days/times, as well as program affordability (through sponsor and grant programs), we are reducing significant barriers to participation.


Program Goals



Thank you to Parks Foundation Calgary!

CMSA’s Grassroots League would not be possible without the support from our partners and sponsors. The Parks Foundation Amateur Sport Grant program is designed to promote development and enhance participation for Calgarians of all ages; it is with the support from the Amateur Sport Grant, that CMSA was able to accommodate the 30% program growth and purchase 50 new nets, equipment, and our inflatable soccer fields as part of our community engagement program. 


Every individual involved in soccer deserves a positive and enjoyable experience. For young players, an enjoyable experience means that they have access to high-quality programs where they can have fun with their friends, learn new skills and play the game in an appropriate format. The Grassroots League builds the foundation of fundamental skills in a fun and positive environment for young players to succeed at whatever level of the game they aspire to reach. This equipment purchased with grant funds from Parks Foundation will serve to support CMSA’s programming for seasons to come!


Learn more about CMSA’s Grassroots League HERE

Learn more about the Amateur Sport Grant Program

Contact Us


115 - 5709 2 St SE
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2W4



Office Hours


Monday  -  10:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday  -  12:00PM - 6:00PM
Wednesday  -  10:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday  -  10:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday  - 
10:00AM - 4:00PM
Weekends & Holidays  -   CLOSED

